Sunday, March 14, 2010

return home

So I knew I wouldn't come home from NYC and be all "I want to move there, asap!" I had a ton of fun and kicked it with some of my favorite people, and shopped as much as I could.... Now it is Sunday I've been home for 4 days... and I am still tired.

I did the whole creepy china town black market purse purchase; lets be serious here... this was one of my goals while in New York. I went in a hidden room that was locked behind me upon entry to buy a designer purse way cheap alone, in china town. Awesome.

Somewhere around 500 pictures were taken, that I will like about 20 of to go through that may just grace the page in the coming weeks. And a solid re-cap of the shows.

Right now I am still a the point of everything sinking in. I have no travel planned thus meaning, nothing to be excited about. The weather today is absolutely amazing, meaning I want to buy a book and sit outside.

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